The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF) and the AJBCC invite you to register interest for an upcoming Corporate Governance Briefing: "Update to regulatory changes and associated implications and penalties for Boards and Directors" on Tuesday, 25 February 2025.
Event Details
Date & Time: Tuesday, 25 February 2025 | 5.30pm
Venue: Herbert Smith Freehills -- Sydney Offices | ANZ Tower, 161 Castlereagh Street
Who can attend: This briefing is intended for AJBCC members who are serving directors or equivalent. Numbers will be limited.
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST. Further details will be circulated to members who have expressed interest early in the New Year. Materials will be shared in Japanese and English.
This briefing follows on from the successful "JCCI Directors' Briefing" on Corporate Governance held jointly by JCCI and the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) on 15 August 2024. As a number of the legislative changes mentioned on 15 August have now come into force, the AJBCC has agreed to participate in a follow up briefing to discuss these changes in more detail and the fuller implications and consequent obligations on boards and directors.
Directors' duties and obligations in Australia have increased because of recent legislation in ESG, in cyber security compliance and reporting, in WHS at a State and Federal level, and the proposed changes to Modern Slavery Laws. Australian boards have also seen a more active stance taken by organisations such as ACCC regarding consumer protection and competition policy and ASIC and APRA regarding enforcement of financial disclosure obligations. These have been highlighted by recent amendments to the AUSTRAC legislation provisions on money laundering by "Tranche 2 entities" which will impact upon the financial services, legal, professional services and real-estate sectors.
Governance and employment experts: