As part of the Australian Government's Future Made in Australia package in the Budget, Treasury has released consultation papers seeking feedback on its proposed $13.7 billion critical minerals and hydrogen production tax incentives. The production tax credits are designed to incentivise investment in renewable hydrogen, boost production of critical minerals and create jobs and opportunities for Australian businesses.
AJBCC partner organisations, the Australian Hydrogen Council and Critical Minerals Association Australia, have indicated that they will be responding to these consultation papers and wish to incorporate feedback from businesses specifically involved in the Australia-Japan relationship. We are pleased to assist them to do so and invite you to join an online discussion session as per below details:
Monday 8 July, 1:30-3:00pm
1:30pm – 2:15pm Presentation by Australian Hydrogen Council followed by discussion
2:15pm – 3:00pm Presentation by Critical Minerals Association Australia followed by discussion
To register, click on the Teams Webinar link below. We welcome any feedback or comments sent in advance of the event via the registration form.
The papers are available on the Treasury website (see below links). Consultation will continue until 12 July 2024.
Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive
Consultation paper Critical minerals production tax incentive |
The Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive
Consultation paper Hydrogen production tax incentive |
Principal at Jameson Boyce Partners | Chair, AJBCC Clean Energy Transition Advisory Committee
More Information
Presentation by Australian Hydrogen Council followed by discussion and Q&A
Presentation by Critical Minerals Association Australia followed by discussion and Q&A