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The Australia-Japan Innovation Alliance Forum is bringing together a stellar lineup of industry leaders, experts, and visionaries. We're thrilled to announce that we've begun confirming our speakers for this exciting event. Stay tuned for regular updates in the lead up to the Forum. 

Speakers are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Richard Andrews (CEO of Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee)

Richard Andrews

CEO of Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee

Before his appointment to his current role in March 2021, Richard was a senior diplomat and public servant, serving as Australian Ambassador to Ireland 2016-2020, designing and implementing Australia's international stakeholder engagement program for the G20 Summit in 2014, and playing a key role in Australia's response to the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters in Japan in 2011-2012 as a member of the Tokyo Embassy's senior executive team. He is a non-executive Director of the Australia-Japan Innovation Fund.

豪日経済委員会 (AJBCC) 最高執行責任者

Elizabeth Cox (General Manager, North East Asia, Austrade/ Minister (Commercial) at Australian Embassy Tokyo)

Elizabeth Cox

General Manager, North East Asia, Austrade/ Minister (Commercial) at Australian Embassy Tokyo

Elizabeth is General Manager, North East Asia for the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and Minister (Commercial) at the Australian Embassy Japan. Elizabeth leads the Austrade North East Asia network, which includes offices in Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul and Ulanbaatar.


Joshua Flannery (Founder & CEO of Innovation Dojo)

Joshua Flannery

Founder & CEO of Innovation Dojo

Working closely with large corporations, governments, universities and startups in Australia and Japan, Joshua has held the lead Director position for the largest startup hub in the Southern Hemisphere, Sydney Startup Hub, and was the first hire and penned the initial plans for the University of New South Wales startup programs, which grew to become the leading university for entrepreneurs in APAC.

Innovation Dojo Group 創業者兼CEO
オーストラリアと日本の大手企業、政府、大学、スタートアップとの連携に深く携わっています。 ジョシュアは、南半球最大のスタートアップハブであるシドニースタートアップハブのリードディレクターを務め、 アジア太平洋地域における起業家のための主要な大学に成長したニューサウスウェールズ大学のスタートアッププログラムの最初の採用者です。

Nancy Gordon (Executive Director and Commissioner General of Australia at Osaka Expo Taskforce)

Nancy Gordon

Executive Director and Commissioner General of Australia at Osaka Expo Taskforce

Ms Gordon is a senior career officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. She is currently Assistant Secretary, Osaka Expo Task Force and the Commissioner General for Australia to World Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai. In Canberra, she has held positions in the North Asia Division, the Parliamentary and Media Branch, the Office of Trade Negotiations, the Trade and Economic Division and the International Security Division.

大阪万博タスクフォース オーストラリア事務局長兼コミッショナー

Peter Grey (President at Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee)

Peter Grey

President at Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee

Peter was appointed President of the AJBCC in October 2021. He is also the Independent Chairman of the Board of MLC Life Insurance, a Director of the European Australian Business Council (EABC) and a member of the Asia Society Advisory Council. He was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with gold and silver stars by the Government of Japan in 2017.

豪日経済委員会 (AJBCC) 委員長
MLC Life Insuranceの独立非業務執行会長。グレイ氏は2021年10月にAJBCCの委員長に任命されました。MLC生命保険の取締役会の独立会長及び欧州オーストラリアビジネス協議会(EABC)の理事であり、アジア協会諮問委員会のメンバーでもあります。2017年に日本政府から旭日章を授与されました。

Susumu (Steve) Handa (CEO of Daiwa Capital Markets Australia Limited)

Susumu (Steve) Handa

CEO of Daiwa Capital Markets Australia Limited

Steve joined Daiwa Securities Group in 2007, and he is currently responsible for the Australian operation including Equity Sales, Principal Investments, M&A, as well as new areas like renewable energy and startups. He leads their investment into Main Sequence and many initiatives related to Australia-Japan startup and innovation collaborations for public and private as well as universities.

半田 晋氏
大和証券キャピタル・マーケッツオーストラリアリミテッド CEO
半田氏は2007年に大和証券グループに入社し、PE業務、IB業務、海外MBA留学、および社長秘書を経験、2020年よりオーストラリア現地法人の社長として株式セールス、自己資本投資、M&A のほか、再生可能エネルギーやスタートアップなどの新分野を担当して います。Main Sequence Venturesへの投資や、オーストラリアと日本のスタートアップおよび公的機 関、民間企業、大学を対象としたイノベーション コラボレーションに関する多くの取り組みを主導 しています。

Jun Hosoya (General Partner at InterValley Ventures Pty Ltd Australia)

Jun Hosoya

General Partner at InterValley Ventures Pty Ltd Australia

Jun has 30+ years of investment management experience in Japan and the USA, with a successful track record of 46 venture investments. He has facilitated 8 IPOs, 6 M&A transactions, and 3 trade sales. As a founding member and Managing Director of INCJ, he oversaw a USD 20 billion fund, investing in early-stage innovation companies. Jun launched InterValley Ventures in 2017 as an early-stage Venture Capital Fund focusing on investing in breakthrough technologies in Australia.

細谷 淳氏
InterValley Ventures ゼネラルパートナー
日本と米国で30年以上の投資管理経験を持ち、46件のベンチャー投資で成功を収めた実績を持つ。8件のIPO、6件のM&A取引、3件のトレードセールを仲介。INCJの創設メンバー兼マネージングディレクターとして、初期段階のイノベーション企業に投資する200億ドルのファンドを監督。オーストラリアの画期的な技術への投資に重点を置く初期段階のベンチャーキャピタルファンドとして、2017年にInterValley Venturesを設立しています。

Takahiro Iino (Managing Director, Head of Oceania at MUFG Bank, Ltd.)

Takahiro Iino

Managing Director, Head of Oceania at MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Takahiro (Taka) Iino is the Managing Director, Head of Oceania at MUFG Bank, overseeing operations in Australia and New Zealand across four offices - Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Auckland. Taka is also responsible for the management and development of the Japanese Corporate Banking business in the Oceania region.

飯野 貴弘氏
株式会社 三菱UFJ銀行 オセアニア総支配人

Susumu Kataoka (President at Japan External Trade Organization)

Susumu Kataoka

President at Japan External Trade Organization

Mr. Kataoka joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 1991, later serving as Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan in France, and Counsellor of the Cabinet Secretariat for Revitalization of Japanese Economy, as well as Director General of JETRO Paris office. In 2020, served as Director General for Policy coordination and making at Consumer Affairs Agency. In October 2023 he was appointed as President of JETRO.

片岡 進氏
日本貿易振興機構 (ジェトロ) 副理事長

Rachit Khosla (Country Manager - Australia at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI))

Rachit Khosla

Country Manager - Australia at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI)

Rachit has over 15yrs of experience as a strategy consultant executing go-to-market, growth strategy and open innovation engagements across Asia Pacific. Before moving to Australia in 2020, he previously lived in Singapore covering ASEAN & Oceania regions and the Indian subcontinent. Rachit has been supporting JETRO’s J-Bridge program in Australia since its launch in 2021.

株式会社経営共創基盤 (IGPI) オーストラリア担当カントリーマネージャー
コースラ氏は戦略コンサルタントとして15年以上の経験を持ち、アジア太平洋地域全体で市場開拓、成長戦略、オープンイノベーションの取り組みを実行しています。2020年にオーストラリアに移住する前は、シンガポールに在住し、ASEAN・オセアニア地域とインド亜大陸を担当していました。 コースラ氏は、2021年のJETROのオーストラリアにおけるJ-Bridgeプログラムの開始以来、プログラムの支援を行っています。

Mahesh Krishnan (Chief Technology Officer • Technology and Innovation, APAC at Fujitsu Australia Limited)

Mahesh Krishnan

Chief Technology Officer • Technology and Innovation, APAC at Fujitsu Australia Limited

Mahesh Krishnan is the regional CTO for Fujitsu in Australia, leading the adoption of Fujitsu's technology and innovation across the region. He collaborates closely with research institutes and universities to explore the commercialization of emerging technologies.

富士通オセアニア CTO

Mark Lou (CEO & Co-Founder of Quantum Brilliance)

Mark Lou

CEO & Co-Founder of Quantum Brilliance

Mark is recognized as one of Australia's foremost experts in deep tech commercialisation. Before co-founding Quantum Brilliance, Mark led a number of commercialisation and venture investments at CSIRO ON (Australia's largest deep tech venture studio), Global Private Capital at QIC ($86 billion Sovereign Wealth Fund), and Credit Suisse Asia's technology banking sector.

Quantum Brilliance CEO 兼共同創設者
マークは、オーストラリアのディープテック商業化の第一人者として知られており、クォンタム・ブリリアンスを共同設立する前は、CSIRO ON (オーストラリア最大のディープテックベンチャースタジオ)、QICのGlobal Private Capital (860 億ドルの政府系ファンド)、クレディ・スイス・アジアのテクノロジーバンキング部門で、数多くの商業化およびベンチャー投資を主導してきました。

Kathy Matsui (Co-Founder and General Partner of MPower Partners)

Kathy Matsui

Co-Founder and General Partner of MPower Partners

Kathy Mitsuko Matsui is Co-Founder and General Partner of MPower Partners, Japan’s first ESG-focused global venture capital fund. She was the former vice chair of Goldman Sachs Japan, co-head of Macro Research in Asia and chief Japan equity strategist. Kathy was ranked No. 1 in Japan Equity Strategy by Institutional Investor multiple times. Her "Womenomics" research spurred the Japanese government to promote gender diversity as part of the nation's economic growth strategy.

MPower Partners 共同設立者兼ゼネラルパートナー
日本初のESGに特化したグローバルベンチャーキャピタルファンドであるMPower Partnersの共同設立者兼ゼネラルパートナー。 ゴールドマン・サックス証券の元副会長、マクロ・リサーチ・アジア共同責任者、日本株式のチーフ・ストラテジストを歴任。松井氏は、インスティテューショナル・インベスター誌の日本株式戦略部門で度々1位にランクされています。彼女の「ウーマノミクス」研究は、日本政府が経済成長戦略の一環としてジェンダーの多様性を促進するきっかけとなりました。

Dr Andy McLean (Managing Partner at Tin Alley Ventures (TAV))

Dr Andy McLean

Managing Partner at Tin Alley Ventures (TAV)

Prior to joining TAV, Andy was part of the founding team behind Oxford University’s commercialisation fund Oxford Sciences Enterprises, where he was the head of life sciences. Over 13 years, he was instrumental in several successful investments and exits, including NASDAQ-listed Vaccitech (co-creator of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine) and MiroBio, which was acquired by Gilead Sciences for $US405M.

Tin Alley Ventures (TAV) マネージング・パートナー

Tim McLennan (Executive Director, Research Partnerships and Translation of RMIT University)

Tim McLennan

Executive Director, Research Partnerships and Translation of RMIT University

High calibre internationally experienced strategic leader in the area of innovation management and technology strategic planning, industry engagement, technology commercialization and strategic partnerships with deep and successful experience in the global R&D and innovation and investment arena. Demonstrated Board level skills in several environment and industry sectors.

RMIT 大学の研究パートナーシップおよび翻訳担当エグゼクティブ ディレクター

Takuto Nagata (Chief Global Officer at TOWING Co., Ltd)

Takuto Nagata

Chief Global Officer at TOWING Co., Ltd

Takuto oversees overseas business in North America, South America, and APAC. The company develops microbial fermentation technology for biochar, aiming to improve soil health and sequester carbon. Previously, he worked in sustainable infrastructure investment at Sumitomo Corporation and Shizen Energy. He holds an MBA from IESE (Europe) and a bachelor's in economics from Keio University (Japan).

永田 卓人氏
株式会社トーイング 最高グローバル責任者

Akifumi Nagatani (General Manager at Australian Global Business, NTT)

Akifumi Nagatani

General Manager at Australian Global Business, NTT

AKIFUMI NAGATANI is General Manager in Australia Global Business at NTT Data Inc. (NTT Australia Pty Ltd), where he is in charge of global services, innovation and business engagement. Prior to this he was Vice President at NTT India for approximately 5 years. He majored in Entrepreneurship and Finance in his MBA at the University of Chicago, and is leading global business collaboration among Industry, Academia and Government in Australia.

永谷 明史氏
NTT オーストラリア国際事業ゼネラル・マネージャー

Kaoru Nishinakagawa (Chief Advisor at Australia-Japan Innovation Fund)

Kaoru Nishinakagawa

Chief Advisor at Australia-Japan Innovation Fund

Kaoru, one of the co-founders of Innovation Dojo, has been instrumental in fostering cross-cultural incubation programs. Currently, Kaoru holds the position of Chief Advisor for the Australia-Japan Innovation Fund, managing the innovation fund supported by Rio Tinto and Mitsui Co. which aims to accelerate scientific and technological activities between the two nations.

西中川 薫氏
豪日イノベーション基金 チーフアドバイザー

Dr Negin Shariati (Associate Professor at University of Technology Sydney)

Dr Negin Shariati

Associate Professor at University of Technology Sydney

Dr. Negin Shariati is an Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Data Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and IT at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. She established the RF and Communication Technologies (RFCT) research laboratory at UTS in 2018, where she is currently the Founding Director, leading research and development in RF technologies, sustainable sensing, energy harvesting, low-power Internet of Things (IoT), and AgTech.

シドニー工科大学 (UTS) 准教授
オーストラリアのシドニー工科大学 (UTS) の工学・IT 学部、電気・データ工学部の准教授。2018 年に UTS に RF および通信技術 (RFCT) 研究室を設立し、現在は創設ディレクターとして RF 技術、持続可能なセンシング、エネルギー ハーベスティング、低電力 IoT (モノのインターネット)、AgTech の研究開発を主導しています。

Yukinori Shitautsubo (CEO of KSF Australia Pty Ltd)

Yukinori Shitautsubo

CEO of KSF Australia Pty Ltd

Yukinori started a local seafood company Hironoya Co. Ltd. in 2010 and soon after was hit hard by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Yukinori set up a subsidiary Kita-Sanriku Factory Co. Ltd. in 2018, restorative aquaculture startup with the mission of creating a new future for the seafood industry in the region and went on to set up a local subsidiary in Melbourne, Australia, in 2023.

下苧坪 之典氏
北三陸ファクトリー株式会社/KSFオーストラリア グループマネージングディレクター

Dr Koichi Tanimoto (Doctor of Engineering, Research at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

Dr Koichi Tanimoto

Doctor of Engineering, Research at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Koichi began to collaborate with universities abroad about 20 years ago from the US, China, UK to Europe and in the end, Australia. Koichi has studied and developed the technologies of both evaluation and measurement systems together with universities abroad.

谷本 浩一氏
三菱重工業株式会社 総合研究所工学博士

Marisa Watanabe (Business Development Manager, Japan at University of NSW)

Marisa Watanabe

Business Development Manager, Japan at University of NSW

Marisa is UNSW’s representative member based in Japan. Her key focuses are seeking joint R&D opportunities with Japanese partners in fields of decarbonisation, circular economy, materials and chemicals, healthcare and space exploration. Marisa now has a cumulative 18 years of experience in the Japan market and in working with international partners worldwide.

渡辺 麻梨紗氏
ニューサウスウェールズ大学 (UNSW) 日本事業開発マネージャー

Noritaka Yamashita (General Manager, Innovation Promotion Department at Central Japan Economic Federation)

Noritaka Yamashita

General Manager, Innovation Promotion Department at Central Japan Economic Federation

Mr Yamashita worked at Ibiden Corporation where he worked in product development with major U.S. semiconductor manufacturers. In 2019 he joined the Central Japan Economic Federation and the Nagoya Innovators' Garage and serves as General Manager. He is a mountaineer by profession and successfully completed his goal of a 100-mile trail running race in April 2022!

山下 哲央氏
一般社団法人中部経済連合会 イノベーション推進部長
雪国で化学工学専攻後、岐阜県大垣市のイビデン株式会社に入社。商品開発をひたすら歩み、米国大手半導体メーカーと共同で新商品を世の中に送り出すことを繰り返す。2019年から中部経済連合会とナゴヤ イノベーターズ ガレージに出向し、ガレージの統括マネージャーも兼務。本業は岳人で、2022年4月に目標としていた100マイルトレイルランニングレースを無事に完走!休みはほとんど山の中で過ごしている。【相談可能領域】事業開発(BizDev)、シード期、山。

Hideaki Yoshimura (Founder & CEO of Global Value Partners (GVP))

Hideaki Yoshimura

Founder & CEO of Global Value Partners (GVP)

Hidi is an Australian-born Japanese national based in Sydney. He founded Global Value Partners in Japan and Australia, to support startups to enter the Japanese market and served as Country Director for HIVERY Japan K.K. and now supports other Australian startups. He is currently the Chair of AJBCC’s Innovation, Technology and Startups Advisory Committee who organise the Australia-Japan Innovation Alliance Forum.

吉村 英明氏
Global Value Partners (GVP) 創業者兼CEO
シドニーを拠点に活動するオーストラリア生まれの日本人。スタートアップの日本市場への参入を支援するため、日本とオーストラリアでGlobal Value Partnersを設立し、ハイヴリー・ジャパン株式会社のカントリーディレクターを務め、現在は他のオーストラリアのスタートアップを支援しています。 現在は、日豪イノベーションアライアンスフォーラムを主催するAJBCCのイノベーション・テクノロジー・スタートアップ諮問委員会の委員長を務めています。