ECAL is the world's leading calendar marketing platform, delivering smart, dynamic and actionable events into the personal calendar of users, to keep them up-to-date and connected. ECAL is the highest performing marketing channel for event-based communications, driving fan engagement, tune-in, attendance, sales and deep first party data.

Trusted and relied on by over 400 major sports and entertainment brands, servicing 25 million users globally. ECAL clients include Major League Baseball, Premier League, NBA, Formula 1, Formula E, World Rugby, World Volleyball, World Athletics, Disney+, Fox Sports and many others.



現在、世界中の2,500万人以上のユーザーにサービスを提供し、400以上の主要なスポーツおよびエンターテインメントブランドから信頼を得ています。クライアントには、メジャーリーグベースボール(MLB)、プレミアリーグ、NBA、フォーミュラ1、フォーミュラE、ワールドラグビー、ワールドバレーボール、世界陸連(世界陸上競技連盟)、Disney+、Fox Sportsなどが含まれます。 

KAP Research Investment and Advisory (KAPRIA)

KAP Research, Investment and Advisory (KAPRIA) provides research, measurement, advisory and consulting services to high involvement service industries, including, professional teams and leagues, events, governing bodies of sport and sport technology startups.

Their scope of existing projects with over 120 partner organisations includes customer experience modelling and measurement, retention and churn modelling and prediction and attendance modelling and behaviour change analysis.

Research expertise also includes brand and sentiment tracking studies, audience measurement/segmentation, whole of sport measurement, measurement of social outcomes of sport consumption, workforce attitudes, and sponsorship and community programming impact.

Within these topics KAPRIA blends best in class research design, measurement development and data collection methods, utilising traditional and technology enabled methods (including AI/machine learning powered analysis techniques and reporting tools and platforms) to provide innovative, rigorous and powerful solutions for partners. 





Superinteractiv is sports science in your pocket.

We work with world leading athletes, coaches, scientists, and their supporting organisations across many sports: Swimming, Cycling, Football, Boxing, Equine, Athletics and many more, to create new experiences for higher skill and endurance in the natural performance environment.

Our inspiring performance solutions link knowledge, sensors, and mobile devices for interactive information systems with a track record of supporting new world records and personal bests.

Our Pool Pad product is used by Australia's World Champion and World Record swimmers, coaches, and leading edge sports scientists for elite athlete and squad development. Pool Pad's world first Wall Interaction Time analysis makes use of both Touch On and Touch Off from sensors and monitors multiple touches so you can see important lanes end interaction times in all strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, etc) and Turns (touch and/or tumble/flip) in all Race Styles including relays and medleys




私たちのPool Pad製品は、オーストラリアの世界チャンピオンおよび世界記録保持者の水泳選手、コーチ、最先端のスポーツ科学者によって、エリートアスリートおよびチームの育成に使用されています。Pool Padの世界初の壁面インタラクション時間分析は、センサーからのタッチオンとタッチオフの両方を利用し、複数のタッチを監視することで、すべてのストローク(自由形、背泳ぎ、平泳ぎ、バタフライなど)およびすべてのレーススタイル(リレーやメドレーを含む)におけるターン(タッチおよび/またはタンブル/フリップ)の重要なレーンエンドのインタラクションタイムを見ることができます。 


EngageRM deliver business and marketing automation, CRM and Data analytics solutions for the sport and entertainment industry.

At EngageRM, We believe that sport and entertainment can have a profound positive impact on the world. Our mission is to empower our customers with resources, technology, and expertise needed to deliver positive outcomes to communities, fans, and partners.

If our customers can maximise engagement and revenue across these channels, they each will be in a better position to make a bigger impact and drive positive change. EngageRM enables organisations to deliver sold-out stadiums, innovative partnership programs, best in class hospitality, tailored communications, and unforgettable fan experiences – 365 days a year. EngageRM are the number 1 ISV globally for the Sports and Entertianment industry.

EngageRM currently partner with over 140 sports and entertainment organisations globally, ranging from federations to venues/arenas through to professional sports organisations in the world's leading sports leagues globally.




エンゲージRMは、スポーツおよびエンターテインメント業界向けのNo.1 ISV(独立系ソフトウェアベンダー)であり、現在、世界中の140以上のスポーツおよびエンターテインメント組織と提携しています。パートナーには、連盟、競技場・アリーナ、さらには世界の主要スポーツリーグに所属するプロスポーツチームなどが含まれます。 

Court Coverage

Court Coverage has been providing tennis equipment and services for over 30 years under the guidance of Paul Kleverlaan.

We have expanded from a modest coaching business to one which now covers almost every aspect of tennis including, coaching, wholesale and retail equipment sales, maintenance, memberships, court hire, competitions, tournaments, tennis tours, touring coaches, night tennis, racquet restringing, court and club equipment, consultancy and facility management, coach education and workshops locally in Australia and internationally in countries including but not limited to Singapore, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and China.

The team is made up around 20 staff at any time during the year and look forward to serving you for all your tennis needs.  






GravityFit's approach centers on optimizing how the body works with gravity to enhance athletic ability, prevent injuries, and improve quality of life. Founded on 30 years of musculoskeletal research, including NASA-sponsored studies, our company has established itself as an innovator in the field of movement performance and functional training.

The cornerstone of our success lies in providing sensory feedback and activating deep stabilizing muscles to create a foundation for better movement quality. This insight has guided the development of our main products—the GravityFit TPro and the G-Suit—which have enhanced training methodologies worldwide.

The TPro builds essential spinal stability while teaching correct movement patterns.

Our G-Suit applies this technology through specialized fabric panels that enhance gravitational loading during activity.

Looking ahead, we're prototyping sensor technology to integrate with our training systems. This innovation will provide real-time feedback on posture, movement quality, and muscle activation patterns, allowing for more precise training and measurable progress tracking. 


私たちの成功の鍵は、感覚フィードバックを提供し、深部安定筋を活性化させることで、より良い動作の基盤を構築すること にあります。この知見を活かし、「GravityFit TPro」および「Gスーツ」という主要製品を開発し、世界中のトレーニング手法を向上させてきました。

TProは、正しい動作パターンを教えながら、不可欠な脊椎の安定性を構築します。 Gスーツ は、特殊なファブリックパネルを用いることで、運動中の重力負荷を高め、トレーニング効果を向上させます。

現在、センサー技術を組み込んだトレーニングシステムの試作 を進めており、姿勢、動作品質、筋肉の活性化パターンをリアルタイムでフィードバックすることで、より精密なトレーニングと進捗管理を実現 します。 

Playa Power

Playa Power is a pioneering digital education platform designed to equip athletes with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to build and commercialize their personal brands. Our mission is to help athletes maximize their earning potential, develop sustainable careers beyond competition, and establish meaningful connections with fans, sponsors, and business opportunities.

Developed in collaboration with Griffith University, Playa Power's curriculum is endorsed by the NRL and hosted by respected sports broadcasters Katie Brown (Network Seven) and Megan Barnard (Fox Sports). The program provides a structured learning experience covering personal branding, financial literacy, sponsorship strategies, social media growth, and commercial partnerships, ensuring athletes can navigate the business of sports effectively.

With a presence in Australia and the USA and expanding into global markets, Playa Power is actively working with major sporting organisations, universities, and corporate partners to deliver value-driven learning experiences. As part of its growth strategy, Playa Power has established partnerships and we continue to explore opportunities to collaborate with governing bodies, sports leagues, and industry stakeholders worldwide. 


プレイヤー・パワーのカリキュラムは、グリフィス大学と共同開発され、NRL(ナショナルラグビーリーグ)によって承認されています。また、著名なスポーツキャスターであるケイティ・ブラウン(ネットワーク・セブン)およびミーガン・バーナード(フォックス・スポーツ) がホストを務めています。

このプログラムでは、個人ブランドの構築、金融リテラシー(財務知識)、スポンサー戦略、ソーシャルメディアの成長、商業パートナーシップ などを体系的に学ぶことができ、アスリートがスポーツビジネスを効果的にナビゲートできるよう支援します。

プレイヤー・パワーは現在、オーストラリアとアメリカ に拠点を持ち、さらなる国際市場への進出 を進めています。現在、主要なスポーツ組織、大学、企業パートナーと連携 し、価値ある学習体験を提供しています。また、成長戦略の一環として、プラヤ・パワーはパートナーシップを確立しており、世界中の統括団体、スポーツリーグ、業界関係者との協力機会を継続的に模索しています。 

Pixon Sport

Pixon Sport hold the rights to ASB GlassFloor for the Austrlia, NZ, Japan & Indonesian regions.

Combining state of the art LED and glass floors, we create unique experiences for athletes and fans. Clubs, Codes and Stadiums benefit through increased engagement and revenue opportunities. There are two products we offer:

ASB LumiFlex

ASB LumiFlex is a full video floor. The whole of the floor space is a multi-functional monitor. The ASB LumiFlex floor was designed to transform any space into a spectacular visual experience. Its patented glass surface is one of the most innovative flooring surfaces ever made and can be used for a variety of solutions, ranging from sports to concerts, retail to trade shows.

ASB MultiSports

ASB MultiSports is the most advanced sports flooring system in the world. Its unique aluminium substructure and the custom made surface of the glass deliver a floor ideal for a sports floor but also for use in any modern building. The properties of glass allow far more than just an optimised flooring surface. LED marking lines can be switched on/off or changED.

ピックソンスポーツは、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本、インドネシア地域におけるASB GlassFloorの権利を保有 しています。

最先端のLED技術とガラスフロアを融合 することで、アスリートやファンにこれまでにない特別な体験 を提供します。また、クラブ、競技団体、スタジアムにとっては、エンゲージメントの向上と新たな収益機会の創出 に貢献します。


ASB LumiFlex

ASB LumiFlexはフルビデオフロアです。床面全体が多機能モニターとなります。ASB LumiFlexフロアは、あらゆる空間を壮大な視覚体験に変えるように設計されています。特許取得済みのガラス表面は、これまでにない革新的なフロア技術の一つであり、スポーツイベント、コンサート、小売店舗、展示会など、多彩な用途 に対応可能です。

ASB MultiSports

ASB MultiSportsは、世界で最も先進的なスポーツフロアシステムです。独自のアルミニウム下部構造と特注のガラス表面により、スポーツフロアに理想的なだけでなく、現代的なあらゆる建物での使用にも適したフロアを実現します。ガラスの特性により、最適化された床面以上の機能が実現します。LEDマーキングラインは、オン/オフの切り替えやオンデマンドでの変更が可能です。床下のビデオメッセージやスコアボードはほんの始まりに過ぎません。表面全体を一つの大きなスクリーンにすることができます。

Anti Ordinary

Anti Ordinary is a brain protection company determined to eliminate unnecessary brain injuries in sports. Anti's first product, the A2, is a snowsports helmet that looks, fits and feels like a beanie, all while being fully certified as a helmet. The 2x patented technology has tested the safest of any all-mountain snowsports helmet by Virginia Tech, as well as being worn by some of snowsports greatest athletes, such as Travis Rice.

The flexible designs allow the A2 to fit all headhapes perfectly, as well as have the lowest centre of mass of any helmet, making most users forget it's even there!

Anti Ordinary's technology was designed to translate across markets easily, from snowsports to skate, cycle, MTB, commuter, and medical industries (and more). Anti Ordinary is determined to be the world's greatest brain protection brand.

Anti Ordinaryは、スポーツにおける不要な脳損傷をなくすことを使命とする脳保護専門の企業です。Antiの最初の製品であるA2は、ビーニーのような見た目、フィット感、装着感を持ちながら、ヘルメットとしての完全な認証を取得したスノースポーツ用ヘルメットです。

2つの特許を取得したこの技術は、バージニア工科大学によるテストで、オールマウンテンのスノースポーツ用ヘルメットとして最高レベルの安全性を実証しており、さらに、Travis Riceをはじめとするトップアスリートたちにも使用されています。


Anti Ordinaryの技術は、スノースポーツだけでなく、スケート、サイクリング、マウンテンバイク、通勤用、医療用途など、さまざまな市場へ簡単に応用できるように設計されています。Anti Ordinaryは、世界最高の脳保護ブランドとなることを目指しています。

Australian Sports Technologies Network (ASTN)

The Australian Sports Technologies Network (ASTN) is the peak body of Australia's world-class sports technology & innovation industry.

Established as one of the first sportstech networks globally in 2012, the ASTN is a not-for-profit industry‑led ecosystem of organisations with a vested interest in developing Australia's sportstech industry. Key stakeholders include sportstech business, sports organizations, investors, universities and government.

ASTN's key role is to advocate for the industry and help to develop and promote Australian-inspired sports technologies and connect them to key players both domestically and internationally.

ASTN achieves this by developing and delivering a suite of programs and activities. This includes trade missions, startup Accelerator programs, startup Pre-Accelerator Programs, Open Innovation programs, networking events, masterclasses and industry showcasing (podcasts, case studies, industry news and insights). More than 400 businesses have participated in ASTN's core programs over 13 years.

Australia's sportstech industry consists of around 800 sportstech businesses, generating approximately $AUD 5 billion (¥450 billion) in revenue per annum and employing 15,000 people.

Australia's sportstech industry services three key markets.

• Business of Sport – sports operations, stadium & venue, events, media & broadcasting, fan engagement, betting and fantasy sports

• Elite and Professional Sport – athlete performance, injury prevention, coaching & training and performance analytics

• Mass Participating and Active Living – fitness & wellness, coaching & training, nutrition, apparel, footwear and equipment

オーストラリアン・スポーツ・テクノロジー・ネットワーク (ASTN) は、オーストラリアの世界最高水準のスポーツテクノロジーおよびイノベーション産業を代表する主要組織です。







- スポーツ運営、スタジアム・会場管理、イベント、メディア・放送、ファンとの交流、スポーツベッティング、ファンタジースポーツ


- アスリートのパフォーマンス向上、怪我の予防、コーチング・トレーニング、パフォーマンス分析


- フィットネス&ウェルネス、コーチング&トレーニング、栄養、スポーツウェア、シューズ、スポーツ用品